If you are a member of the media, please contact:

Gavin Gustafson, UTA Spokesman 
Cell Phone: 801-859-6095
Email: gavin.gustafson@rideuta.com

Everyone else, please contact UTA customer service at:

  • Salt Lake Area: RIDE-UTA (743-3882)
  • In State Toll Free: 1-888-RIDE-UTA (743-3882)
  • Outside of Utah: 801-RIDE-UTA (743-3882)
  • Telephone communication for deaf/hearing impaired persons is available by dialing 711 (see note below)

* Please note that UTA does not have a dedicated TDD number. If you are deaf or hearing impaired and use either a teletypewriter (TTY) or computer equipment with TTY capability, place your telephone calls by dialing 711 (Relay Utah) and provide the operator with the number for UTA (801-743-3882).

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